Volunteer Appointment Request a Day and Time to Volunteer By Appointment Only Request an Appointment Volunteer Type*New VolunteerReturning Volunteer First Name* Last Name* Email* Address* City* State* Zipcode* Phone Number* Volunteer Number (If you don't have one, please put 0.)* Visit Request Type: Kennel Department *DogCat Other Volunteer Department Request:*Vet ClinicAdministration BuildingGroomingOfficeFundraisingVolunteer Your Age: (Years)* Please list if you require or will bring an assistant or helper with you on your visit:* Have your helper or assistant volunteered at Pet Orphans before?*YesNo Are you current with the Corona Virus Vaccinations and Booster (s)?* Medical History* Reason for visit* Do you have a green Volunteer Tshirt?*YesNo If not, What size Tshirt do you need?* Notes/Special Skills that you have to volunteer? Date Requested for Volunteer Visit?* Do you have proof of vaccinations?*YesNo Have you emailed your proof of vaccination to volunteer@petorphans.org?*YesNo